WELCOME! I am really excited that you stopped by! I would love to help you or your company!

If you would like me to do a sponsored post for you, you can check out my stats below… I’d love to help you! I am also available travel and speak at your conference!

To see more about me, check out my ABOUT Jennifer Fishkind page

Need more information?

Interested in advertising on Princess Pinky Girl – just click here!

Sponsor the Princess Pinky Girl Newsletter

The Princess Pinky Girl newsletter is our way to share our tried and true recipes with our loyal readers.
Here are a few details about the newsletter:

  • 50,000+ readers (weekly subscribers); 7,000 (daily subscribers)
  • 20-35% open rates
  • Sent weekly and daily.
  • Audience is made up of people who love easy recipes!

My newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out this form.

Wait… Couple of things….

Want me to check out your product? That would be awesome! I cannot promise I will write about it, but if I love it, I am great about sharing my favorites with my audience via TikToks, gift guides, tweets, Pins, Facebook and Instagram posts, and stories! Just shoot me an email and we can talk about it!

Do you want me to write about my experience with your company, create a recipe or craft, speak at a conference, visit your destination or company or do you have another creative idea in mind?

Shoot me an email – I would love to find a way to work with you!

Get in touch with me today (email Jenn at jenn@princesspinkygirlcom.bigscoots-staging.com)

If you’d like to hire my services separately, maybe focus only on a Pinterest or Facebook campaign, that stuff is negotiable. I am also available to consult and share everything I have learned about social media and blogging!

Recent Stats: 

PAGEVIEWS (average):2,000,000+
PINTEREST: 5,000,000
FACEBOOK: 1,200,000
TWITTER: 2,200
YouTube: 1000
Newsletter: 50,000