Super Cute and Easy DIY Halloween Costumes! Planning for your Halloween costume? We have some of the most creative DIY Halloween costumes anywhere!

Having a Halloween party? Then you need the perfect Halloween costume! Our great ideas that we have curated for DIY Halloween costumes paired with our Easy Halloween Treats, will make it the party of the year!

diy halloween costumes pin words

The Best DIY Halloween Costumes

If you are anything like me, you may wait until the last minute to get yours and your kids Halloween costumes. Maybe to the point that everything is gone from Target and you may be too cheap (like me) to spend the ridiculous amounts from the specialty Halloween stores.

This year, I vow to not wait until the last minute to start my Halloween planning! I will not be that lame person who comes to the party with the “This is my costume” t-shirt (although I do kinda like this one and may have it as a back up!)

This is my costume t-shirt

So, back to me being a better planner! Here are some DIY Halloween costumes that I found and loved! Some may be more involved than others, but hey, at least they are all super cute!

Alan NAILED it with his Carl from UP DIY Halloween Costume! It honestly doesn’t get much better than this! Check out @fozzcook on Instagram for more great pics of his “Dug”, I mean Cricket!

Up Halloween Costume

DIY Robot Halloween costume from Paging Fun Mums – who doesn’t love a robot? Some silver paint, a box and some flexible ducts are the basics for this cute costume!

DIY robot costume

Ken & Barbie in a box couples costume(if anyone know the original source, please let me know so I can link it!)

ken and barbie

Baby Clark Kent – (if anyone know the original source, please let me know so I can link it!)

baby clark kent

Toy Army Man from Wild Ink Press – this may get a little messy! I wouldn’t let your child sit on the couch while wearing this (or touch the walls….or anything!!)

Toy Army Man

DIY Weatherman Costume! (if anyone know the original source, please let me know so I can link it!). This is a great last minute outfit for kids or adults.

DIY Weatherman Halloween Costume for kids - would be super cute for an adult too!

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (I just found out that this picture isn’t a DIY, but can be purchased here on ETSY at this FABULOUS store Atutudes – check out the rest of their amazing work!! !)

Breakfast at Tiffanys

Thing 1 & Thing 2 from How Does She – this totally cracks me up. First of all the kids are adorable! You can find the wig tutorial from the link above or you can buy one here. There are also a ton of Thing 1 and Thing 2 Costumes including tutus, wigs, onesies, etc.


Shadows from Coolest Homemade Costumes – I do love this idea, but please have your child wear something that glows or makes them standout when trick or treating so cars can see them!


Baby Harry Potter from Spearmint Baby – I am pretty certain that this little guy will receive his letter to Hogwarts.

Baby Harry Potter

Rock Paper Scissors from Lauren Conrad

Rock Paper Scissors

Dye pantyhose ANY color – (Who knew??) from If you Give a Girl a Needle – Not so much a costume, but a tip!!

dyeing pantyhose any color

Can’t forget one for the Dog  – Beanie Baby Dog Costume from Princess Pinky Girl!!

Beanie Baby Dog Costume


Looking for some other fun Halloween ideas – I’ve got a ton of them!!

zombie eyes sq words

totally cute and adorable and creative and doable pumpkin carving ideas square

pumpkin hacks sq

witch hats sq words

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  1. The Audrey Hepburn is by Atutudes Handmade Tutus, easily found on Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, etc.

    1. Thank you so much! I searched for the original source and could never find it! I just added the link to her store on the post!

    1. Thank you so much! I searched for the original source and could never find it! I just added the link to her store on the post!

  2. You’re using a photo of Breakfast at Tiffany’s that belongs Atutudes: to Far from a DIY (it’s her business).

    1. Thank you so much! I searched for the original source and could never find it! I just added the link to her store on the post!

    1. Thank you so much! I searched for the original source and could never find it! I just added the link to her store on the post!