
I don’t know about you, but dinner has become quite the challenge as of late. Every night it seems someone has to be somewhere. The concept of a nightly family dinner is a sad joke in my house. If we can sit down once or twice a week with the majority of us – I take that as a win! So most nights I am throwing chicken nuggets in the oven, mac & cheese on the stove and some nights, it is a quick bowl of cereal. On the nights that we can actually sit down for dinner, I am usually still running a carpool here, there and everywhere and don’t have much time to even throw something together AND then, who knows who in my family will actually eat it (we have some picky eaters around here) – top that off with my lack of cooking skill and Houston, do we have a problem!!!

This challenge motivated me to try to find some better alternatives for dinner – when I say “better” – I mean quick, easy and ingredients that I would already have in my house! So, here is my list of some new quick and easy family friendly recipes that I am going to try around here!

Homemade Pizza Rolls | The Taylor House

These scream my name – everything on the ingredients list is something I already have at my house AND my kids will love them!


click for source & recipe

Garlic & Parmesan Chicken Pasta

This is actually a family favorite in my house! It is super easy and you will have most of the ingredients in your house already!


Click here for the recipe

Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches | Home Cooking Memories

My son, Joey, will be all over this! Meatball subs are his FAVORITE. This recipe uses homemade meatballs, but I have a bag of frozen meatballs in my freezer at all times – this is a total no brainer!!


click for source & recipe

Chimichangas | A Peak into My Paradise

This is a fast and easy version of a non-fried chimichanga!

click for source & recipe

Baked Ravioli | Amy Lynn Titus

This is the “use what you got” recipe! Love it – take your pre-made ravioli, jar of sauce and some shredded mozzarella cheese and you’ve got a meal!


click for source & recipe

BBQ Chicken Pizza Pinwheels | The Frugal Female

Two of my favorite things rolled in a cute little pinwheel!! How fun is that??


I am always looking for great new family friendly recipes – if you have any send them my way!!

Check out some of my other quick and easy options 4 Easy Family Friendly Recipes . . . for the cooking Challenged!

zest-slowcooker-BBQtaco bakepopover pizzachicken parmesan bake

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  1. Love this article! I love to read your blogs. I am so excited to try these recipes. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  2. God your home sounds like mine. Picky eaters and a family on the run. I have 2 small boys though but the rest of my team eats when they feel like it and it drives me insane when I spend 30-1hr getting dinner done just so it can get cold.

    Ive pinned these recipes for future reference. The first Im going to try are the pizza rolls.

    We do a similar chicken pasta but I add sweet and sour marinade to it and use the instant noodles which are ALWAYS in stock at my place.

    Thanks for the tips from one busy household to nother 🙂

  3. I decided to step out of my box this week and actually PREPARE myself for a week of cooking, instead of my usual space cadet 14 trips to the store a week because I have zero clue what they want or what to make. I’m like Jojo the idiot circus clown with a new pet in the kitchen. So I turned to the million recipes I have pinned and have yet to ever actually use, and ended up buying the ingredients for 4 meals from ONE of your pins. I can’t come up with 4 quality meals on my own even if my life depended on it. So. Day 3, and I gotta say, the fam is in love with you. The recipes you post are simple and easy to follow, and include ingredients even “I” can find at the store! I can’t wait to try more, please keep up the great work, I need all the help I can get!!!!

    1. YOU TOTALLY MADE MY DAY ….. No wait…. my YEAR!!! Thank you SO much!! I adore the feedback!!! xoxo!!

  4. Thank you for featuring my Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches, Jennifer! And thank you for this post…I can always use more easy recipes and I found a few that I haven’t seen yet.