stomach flu tips

I don’t know about you, but the flu is running rampant in our area. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a total germaphobe and even worse, a complete vomiphone (the utter and complete fear of vomit) – I don’t even want to write the word, it makes me gag.

So I scoured the internet for any tips, tricks or tools in helping all of us when the flu hits home!


The best way to deal with the flu, is to not get it! Prevention can go a long way! Here are some tips to help you avoid getting sick in the first place!

Paper towel rolls in bathroom rather than hand towel – My friend Sally gave me this idea and I think it is brilliant – Just think about the transfer of germs happening in those hand towels – ewwwww.

paper towel

Hand Washing Station – This is perfect for outdoor parties or events at parks or tailgates, etc! I truly think this is one of the most genius ideas ever!

Hand-Washing-Station (1)

Essential Oils – I am a HUGE fan of oils – the promote overall health, vitality, and longevity. In particular, I love Thieves Oil – This blend is used for its cleansing abilities to support the immune system and maintain good health. When someone is sick in my house, I love to diffuse it – the smell is great and hopefully it helps to keep others healthy. Recently my son was complaining that he was nauseous – I put a little bit of Peppermint Oil on his belly and on the back of his wrists – it is supposed to help with minor stomach discomfort. Interested in learning more about essential oils – click here to hear more!



Stop the Stomach Flu website – To my total and complete astonishment – there is an entire website dedicated to the stomach flu!! While it may even be a little over the top for me, there are some great nuggets of information and advice – for sure worth checking it out:

One interesting thing I learned about on was about the differences between household cleaners and the claims that they make. Annie Pryor, has a PhD in biochemistry and is my newest puke mentor – she found some sanitizers and cleaners that I recently just ordered online to hopefully help keep the stomach flu out of my house! The jury is out, but I will try anything!

The first is Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner Disinfectant Wipes and Spray – It claims to help kill Norovirus, Rotavirus, HIV and more – I found it here (click to go to site – affiliate link)wipes


The other item, GermStar Novo – is a spray hand sanitizer that can be found on a lot of cruise ships – it is said to be formulated to kill 99.99% of disease causing germs. I bought a package of them to send to school with my kids, keep in my purse and keep in the car – click here to go to the site to purchase – affiliate link




Wash your hands!! If everyone would simply wash their hands, we would be much more successful in cutting back on spreading the stomach flu! As soon as my kids walk in the door from anywhere, that is the first thing they do. But you not only have to wash them, you need to do it correctly! Experts say to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to kills germs and bacteria. Singing the A-B-C’s (or twinkle twinkle, if you need a variation) takes about that amount of time and is perfect for your kids!


Be armed and ready with a Sick Bucket! This idea comes from Kids Activities Blog and it is such a great idea. It is always the middle of the night when those little feet come in to your bedroom with the “Momma, my tummy isn’t feeling good” – having this Sick Bucket ready to go will save you a lot of scrambling around in the middle of the night.


Get lots of rest – sleep heels the body

Drink lots of fluids – when your stomach is up to it and you have stopped vomiting, start sipping water. It is very important to replenish the body’s fluids so you don’t get dehydrated. If you are able to keep water down, older kids and adults should consider trying a sports drink for electrolyte replacement.

STAY HOME – If you or your child has had the stomach flu or a fever in the past 24 hours – they are still contagious! PLEASE, I BEG YOU, keep them home! I know it is a huge inconvenience some days, especially for us working parents – but it is better for everyone, including them, to be home and resting!

p.s. I also found this great resource on Norovirus from I thought there we some very useful tools on this


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