These Thanksgiving Hacks just made your holiday a lot easier!

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that I really look forward to. Spending time with family and friends, relaxing after a delicious meal chatting and watching football. The food is always so good, but let’s face it… it is a ton of work! Today I want to share some of the best tips, tricks and Thanksgiving hacks out there that will take the burden off your shoulders and ease the pain of the difficulties of preparation. You are going to love these ideas!

The Best Thanksgiving Hacks on PInterest

Let’s see those Thanksgiving Hacks…

Chopped Ingredients a few days ahead for Thanksgiving by Martha Stewart

This is so smart. Chop up your veggies a few days ahead of time and meal prep will be a breeze the day of. Martha Stewart shares this and a load of other great Thanksgiving tips in her post!

Thanksgiving Day Buffet via She Knows

If you have a packed table, consider setting up buffet where the guests can serve themselves. This was found on She Knows and it is quite pretty, too!

Pie Crust Hacks by Bakepedia

Bakepedia is genius. They shared a few tricks for beautiful pie crusts and they are so smart! From a string of pearls to dollar store tongs, you will be all set and look like you are a pie master!

Wash Potatoes in the Dishwasher by Heavenly Homemakers

Need to wash a heaping load of potatoes? This tip from Heavenly Homemakers shows us that you can throw them in the dishwasher and wash them, just leave out the soap!

Thanksgiving Leftover Printables by Pizzazzerie

If you don’t dream of eating leftovers for weeks, send your guests home with a feast for later in adorable bags with these free printables from Pizzazzerie.

Thanksgiving Food Chart by Simple Most

This is the ultimate cheat sheet by Simple Most. You can calculate how much food you will need according to how many guests you will be having. What a lifesaver!

Make Ahead Turkey Gravy by the Kitchn

You can’t always depend on the drippings from your turkey to be perfect for drippings. This recipe from The Kitchn shows you how to make it ahead of time and you’ll have one less thing to worry about!

Taping Recipes to Cabinets to free up counter space: The Crazy Koupon Lady

Print out your recipes ahead of time and secure them to your cabinets with painters tape. The Krazy Coupon Lady does this and she has everything on hand and frees up valuable counter space.

Is the Turkey Done by Buzzfeed

This is the most asked question in homes everywhere on Thanksgiving. Is the turkey done? Buzzfeed is here to help!

Thanksgiving Clean Up ideas from Stonegable

According to Stonegable, this is the best Thanksgiving tip you will ever get. Let your friends help you clean up with a few note cards and dish pans.

Slow Roasted Turkey by Splendid Table

Splendid Table shares their secret to peace on Thanksgiving Day. The slow cook their turkey while they sleep. So smart!

Avoid burning the crust of a pie by putting foil around the edges via Cooking Channel TV

Cooking Channel TV shared this easy tip for avoiding burnt pie crust… circle it with aluminum foil. So simple!

Thanksgiving Roasting Chart from Personal Creations

poultry roasting chart and cheat sheet from Personal Creations-2

Thanksgiving Table Cloth

I love this idea. Buy a white tablecloth and tons of colored sharpies. Have your guests sign and date it. Such a great memorabilia! 

Thanksgiving Table Cloth

Be sure to check out these other fabulous Thanksgiving ideas…


Thanksgiving Recipes

Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipe Ideas

Thanksgiving Leftovers


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  1. After trying to do all the baking the night before Thanksgiving, after working all day, I learned this lesson. I would bake my pies, pecan and pumpkin in Oct., let them cool completely and wrap them extra well. Freeze them, and take them out the day before Thanksgiving. All thawed out and ready to eat for the big day. Also made my dressing or stuffing, which ever you call it, not cook it but put it in a tight lidded dish and freeze it in Oct. Take it out a couple of days before the big day, let it thaw in fridge, then either stuff the turkey or cook my stuffing in the slow cooker. Saved me so much time at the last minute.

  2. Wash them with salted hands … it will clean off all the dirt.. actually you can clean zucchini like this also….dishwashing soap um no.

    1. I am with you on that one. I would never do it. In my opinion potatoes need to be scrubbed to get all that dirt off! And I do wash my potatoes with Dawn.
      I do like some of the other ideas. Especially prepping what you can before hand. I try to do tha every Thanksgiving, I always forget stuff though!

  3. I would like to cook my 14 pound turkey while we sleep any info on that like temp and for how long on a 14 pound turkey with no stuffing ?

    1. Not to be rude but why would you want to do that? it makes the house smell so yummy and it stands the risk of drying out and or bacteria if not heated up again properly and sitting too long when you reheat later…make your sides ahead a couple days, refrigerate and then ready to pop into the oven when you take your turkey out an hour before serving! let it sit covered in its own juices and then carve the last 20 minutes as and cover again to saty warm on the platter with it’ own juices on the tray you are serving it on. Its an easy meal..a lot of work but timing is ahead anything you can…except the turkey..1 14 lb turkey only has to cook 3 and half to 4 hours so not overnight!!!!

    2. Hi Bree, I did this just last night!! Been doing this for years… at least 2-3 times a month. I usually cook a 12-15 pd turkey, set at 250’ and take all the precautions before and after while handling the turkey! I’ve never had any problems and it always, always turns out great!!