It is almost garage sale season – time to purge and get rid of your junk – but what if that junk wasn’t actually junk and it was a treasure just waiting to be DIY’d! OR maybe you can benefit from someone else junk and all you need is a little bit of elbow grease! Maybe, just maybe, that junk can turn into an amazing toy makeover!

DIY Amazing Toy Makeovers


Check out these amazing toy makeovers from very talented people! Click on their links or pictures for detailed how-to’s!

Nerf Storage Solution from 733 Blog


Cozy Coupe Makeover from Megan Kunkel- Looking for some more great Cozy Coupe Makeover Ideas? We have tons for both boys and girls! 

cozy coupe makeover - toy makeover

DIY Lego Table from Our Wee Family

DIY Lego Table

toy makeover

Little Tikes Kitchen Re-Do

Picnic Table Makeover from Refashionablylate

picnic table makeover

$70 Ikea Bookshelf into Adorable Dress Up Closet from Rain on a Tin Roof

book shelf

Turn an old dresser into a doll house

Turn this old dresser into a dollhouse from Larotska

Dr. Seuss Chair Makeover - turn trash to treasure!!!

Dr. Seuss Chair Makeover (Source Unknown)

Looking for some other great HACKS – just click on the pictures below!

DIY Summer Hacks - easy DIY projects for your summer fun
House Hacks2


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  1. With a lick of paint, some creativity and elbow-grease, they have made old toys better than new! We’ve found 15 inspiring ways old classics have been given a new lease of life.

  2. hi, your job is great¡¡¡, please what paint you used in the house the little tikes for the make over ?
    thank you
    Lima -Perú

  3. Love these toy makeovers, so many clever ideas, especially the DIY Lego table. Definitely going to try some of these out, thanks!

  4. How did you do the play house? I didn’t see direction for that one. I have the same exact one as in your picture and would really like to try the makeover! Thanks.

  5. I LOVE the Minnie Mouse car idea!!!!

    Also love the outdoor hacks… But I don’t see a link for any of them & clicking on the pictures doesn’t do anything 🙁
    I love that tall pallet type-table. Where are the links though?? ?

      1. What kind of paint that you use on the toys to make them safe for the children to play with.

  6. Thank you for sharing my Little Tikes picnic table makeover! 🙂 I’m anxious for the weather to get warm again so I can get it out for my little one!